Want to know more than anyone else about the BLOODHOUND Project?
Want to know more than anyone else about the BLOODHOUND Project?Discover the BLOODHOUND Teams STEM skills and career paths that led the members to being part of this extraordinary project.Challenge your knowledge of the BLOODHOUND Supersonic Car through our quizz, and compare your scores against your friends.The simple topic by topic menu interface allows you to browse in a way that suits you and links to BLOODHOUND BLAST to enrich your experience. The BLOODHOUND Project and its education activities are funded by corporate sponsorship and donations from individual members of the public. Every penny raised goes towards helping us create something special, with a lasting legacy of inspiration for future generations of Scientists and Engineers. The revenue generated for BLOODHOUND by this App is invested in the BLOODHOUND Education Programme.REQUIREMENTS:WiFi required (one off) to download the photos/illustrations (40MB min of unused space required)Minimum 3G connectivity to view the links and videos but be aware 3G/4G uses your data allowance.THE BLOODHOUND BLAST APPThe ProjectThe Adventure, the other challengers and the FIA rulesThe DesertThe CarCar and DesignPropulsionWheels, Suspension and BrakingCockpitAerodynamicsThe Team, Career Ideas and SkillsTeam MembersTeam RolesEntry and level 1+ STEM career ideasCareers requiring GCSEs A-C/ apprenticeship/ level 2 +Careers requiring Degree/ level 4 +Workplace skills you will needWorkplace qualities you will needGetting a JobTopic quizzes:Questions are presented randomly.DETAILED TEST RESULTS:The % score is presented at the end of quiz a button takes you to the summary of the questions you got right/wrong. You can go back to the original questions/facts to enrich your understanding.PROGRESS DIALS:The app records your progress on three dials as you start learning 1 shows the % of the content you have read, 2 shows the score of your last test and 3 shows the % of the content you have answered correctly. Use the suite of GCSE Science, Maths and Computer Quiz Apps to improve your academic knowledge and results. Click the ‘more apps’ button to download them for FREE (UK users only).UI and content update